
With God, all things are possible. So buckle up, show up, and NEVER give up.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The End Result

                                                              (Originally published 4/2/14)

"Begin with the ending in mind," it has been said...

God did, that's for sure. Even a faulty human mind, tainted by sinful pride, and dulled by lack of eternal perspective, can easily discern through an historical outlook that God has certainly carried out a master plan that has a distinct purpose. 

But why is it so difficult for me to keep the end result in mind? I so often forget that, if God wants to accomplish something specific and wonderful through my life, He's going to do it HIS way, not mine. Not that God will always go the opposite way of how we operate; rather, His ways are higher than ours. I just simply can't begin to fathom the depth and artistry of His plan. I am merely along for the ride. 

I'm thinking today of learning lessons. I know God has valuable lessons in store for me to learn. Sometimes I can feel that I'm in the thick of learning one right now. Or I can sense that there's one right around the corner. But when that desire arises to go through those lessons to emerge as a better, more faithful man, oh, how often do I get hung up on how the lesson's template should appear! Imagine that - I actually get it in my head that I, a speck in comparison to the Almighty Creator of all that exists, can predict, propose, or propagate the way that lesson should be carried out in my life!

How foolish we men (and I'm not letting ladies off the hook here, I mean "mankind" -- but yes, ladies, we men are foolish in our own right) can be sometimes. The intentions are good. Satan takes those intentions, though, and twists them into a corrupted paradigm in my head until I'm distracted away from the ultimate goal God my Father has in mind for me, and I'm stuck focusing on the intricate details. 

It's not the manner in which the lesson is learned that's important. What I mean is, it shouldn't be important to me; it shouldn't concern if somehow my Heavenly Father could mess it up if we're not in continual conference over the matter. Trust, as always, is the key. In all things God wants my eyes fixed on Jesus and His cross, rather than on the process he's rolling out in my life. 

In the end, all I want is for Christ to be glorified through me, and for my fellow man (young, old, black, white, brown, male, female, believer or unbeliever) to be benefited for this life and for their eternity. If that's God's end goal too - and I know it is because He reveals that through His Word - then why don't I just sit back and accept the classroom of my life in whatever format He has in mind? 

The reassuring part in all of this is: God's will is accomplished no matter what. Throughout history, evil men have tried intentionally to stand in God's way. God has worked around, and even THROUGH, them for thousands of years. So, how much more can He keep on working through a man who, through the merits of Jesus, is a saint and a righteous person in God's eyes, whose earthly will is for what is good and noble! This truth is comfort to my plagued conscience like warm, fresh sunshine to new emerging grass in spring.

Teach on, Father! I'm ready and willing! Refine me at all costs!  

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