It isn't even lunchtime yet on the day after the election. But, if my social media circles are any kind of barometer for where my fellow Americans are at right now, emotionally, it's clear we're still very much a divided country. Many who voted for Donald Trump, who has won this election in a surprising upset and in even more surprisingly dominant fashion (unless you decry the electoral college), are heaving sighs of relief that Hillary Clinton won't be running America into the ground. Meanwhile, those who voted for Hillary Clinton (or an independent) are insisting that, because of Trump, America is about to be run into the ground over the next 4 years.
Politically, there's almost no agreement in any arena or demographic. Women are asking other women how they could possibly vote for someone who has a laundry list of chauvinist or even (allegedly) sexually abusive sins. But other women are asking how they should be expected to vote for someone just because she's a female candidate.
On and on it goes. For many, the very reason why some of you voted for Mr. Trump is the very reason why someone close to you voted for his opponent, and vice versa.
But I want to shine a light one thing we can all hopefully agree on:
What's done is done. Our votes have spoken. It's out of our hands now, and all we can do is get back to business.
And just what is our business? If you're a Jesus-follower, this is just a reminder. If you're not a believer or you're in a season of doubt, this is a tip-off to what our playbook is going forward:
We're not going to worry about the Left. We're not going to worry about the Right. We're going to worry about the Narrow.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV)
Christians should definitely research political candidates, and exercise their civic duty to impact elections of those who are to govern their nation or communities, just like everybody else. That's the beauty of a democracy. But, unlike everybody else, we don't need to lose sight of who the major players are in what happens in the aftermath.
That's you and me, fellow Jesus-followers. Armed with all that God provides through his Spirit, we carry at all times a message that offers our fellow man a source of hope that extends past this earthly journey and far overshadows whether America becomes great again or not.
Clinton supporters and Trump supporters alike - if they're Christian - need to lay aside their personal feelings about whether this election just went as it should've, and GET BACK TO BUSINESS. God has always been in the business of saving souls for eternity, and we are his business partners.
So think long and hard about the narrow, treacherous, yet ultimately rewarding path that you and I are walking on towards our eternal destiny. Now think about how many others around us we need to recruit to our numbers.
Our country may or may not always provide the kind of freedom we have now, to go out and make disciples wherever we can find them, and keep them off the highway to spiritual destruction. But doggone it, no matter what happens, that's our mission.
So whether you're worried about the Left or the Right, politically, let's remember that there's no time like the present to go do God's work, being a light that shines before others and illuminates their steps onto the Narrow Road. That's where we're all meant to be.
To God be the glory in all things, and may others find Him through me.
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