
With God, all things are possible. So buckle up, show up, and NEVER give up.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Identity Theft -- Who Are You?

(Originally published 1/28/14)

I know that what I’m lamenting in my soul tonight is something that has been one of Satan’s greatest campaigns for longer than just my lifetime, but I think the ever-increasing prevalence of the media has made it all the more noticeable these days. American society’s continual trend into post-modernism doesn’t help matters, either.

In an age when one of the greatest mantras has been to express yourself, be individual and unique, and manifest your identity in any of a myriad of ways, could it be that we as a people are losing the right sense of identity?

This sin-darkened world, in the 21st century as much as ever before, is stealing our current generation’s identity. This identity is something that is assigned at conception, recognized at birth by all mankind who welcome you into the world, and, for a certain few, given further value within the numbers of believers in the one true God.

Who are you, really?
You are a creature that has been fearfully and wonderfully made by God in heaven.
If you’ve been brought by faith into the family of believers, those who place their trust in Christ Jesus for salvation, then guess what – you’re a CHILD of GOD!
Simple enough, right?

Oh no, I must sadly conclude, after yet another day of exposure to the gamut of cable TV programming that ranges from vain and pointless to vile and pathetic, that one’s identity is completely up for grabs….as far as the world is concerned.

For the past couple years my wife and I have chosen to “abstain” from TV. In the economic times we’re in, with the means my family has, it’s the responsible choice for proper management of our budget. But that aside, we also chose to leave it behind because we felt it doesn’t stand to bring enough meaningful value to our lives. While there’s no harm in watching a sports event every once in a while (something I still LOVE to do, as I’m still a diehard sports fan), and there are a couple shows that have redeeming value for a family, like A&E’s “Duck Dynasty,” the vast majority of programming, especially on premium cable networks, is largely a venom to the lifeblood of proper values that our country’s citizens used to uphold more closely. Still, in certain venues, like my current temporary workplace (a Charter Communications retail facility with 2 large flat screens behind the service counter, on all day), exposure to the toxic elements of secular TV is inevitable. 

Today, for example, there were two shows that happened to be on (I don’t remember the channel) that bear perfect testimony to what I’m describing: “What Not to Wear,” and “Bridesmaids.” Firstly, though, before appearing to too strongly condemn either the shows themselves, or anyone who watches them, let me give a couple disclaimers:
1)     Virtually no TV shows on any network anywhere reflect the values that I, as a Christian, want to live by. That’s true also for shows that I have watched myself, and enjoyed in part, or quite a bit, like “Castle,” “24,” “The Mentalist,” “Scrubs,” “The Office,” “Seinfeld,” or “Frasier.” All of these shows have elements that leave room for scrutiny. So I’m not completely condemning any one show in its entirety. Mostly what I’m calling to light is a primary message given by a show, or values expressed within the show as being “the norm” for our society now, and, therefore, acceptable.
2)     One of the things I’ll make reference to is what some now may loosely term “gender confusion” or “alternative lifestyles.” I just want to make it known up front that, in regards to the topic of gender assignment as it pertains to human genetics, I understand that there are some rare extenuating circumstances that predispose children to being born with gender ambiguity. I’m not taking issue with those very rare cases, whose birth defects are also a result of sin in the world and not part of how God drew things up in the first place. That’s a sensitive, complex tangent of this topic that I have only researched on the very surface level. Any reference to gender-related malfeasances is to those who, by my estimations, in light of God’s Word, ought to “know better.”

Let me briefly highlight how shows like the ones I listed above (again, “What Not to Wear,” and “Bridesmaids”) bring home messages, at least in episodes like I was subject to today, that are counterproductive to a godly understanding of identity.

First of all, in the episode of “What Not to Wear” that I saw, the subject, Kathy, was more or less humiliated for how she dressed. Her children helped to put on a full skit at a public event, in whose audience mother Kathy was unwittingly present, where her life as a dubious violator of public code of dress was portrayed. The co-hosts of “What Not to Wear” suddenly appeared on stage, had the embarrassed woman brought on stage too, and told her they’d help her turn it all around. Throughout the rest of the episode, amidst sarcastic responses, aghast reactions to reasoning, and pretty snobbish overall behavior, these co-stars led Kathy to what appeared to be quite the heart-warming transformation of both wardrobe AND attitude by the end, so a pretty little bow could be put on it all for the viewers.

Was Kathy’s quality of life ruined by this transformation through the efforts of the stars of the show? No. She seemed genuinely pleased and grateful for the effects by the time it was all done. But what lesson did she learn? Worse, what lesson is this teaching viewers across all socio-economic groups? That Kathy is a better wife, mother, and modern woman when she takes the time each day to primp and do the makeup, get the nails and hair done just so, and keep up with the latest clothing fashions. That Kathy should be validated for feeling like more of a woman when this is her comportment, rather than whatever it was before.

Do I think that, to live true Christian values, Kathy should dress in rags and frump it up? Do I think she’s wrong for feeling more attractive – on the outside – for the efforts of the show’s stars? No. Any woman deserves to feel beautiful. But the message about the bottom line that was delivered again and again throughout the show, was that it was unacceptable for her to be dressed as she was originally, regardless of who she was on the inside.

To me, what made it most obvious that the message was that her outer beauty somehow precedes or feeds her inner beauty lay within some of the notable quotes in the episode.
When Kathy was asked how she’d managed to stay so homely looking all these years (she was 41), her response was that she’d always just felt that her inner beauty was more important, and that’s what she’d taught her kids. This was essentially scoffed at in the show.
When Kathy’s friend, seeing the new and improved Kathy at the end, said “[Paraphrasing] This new look will really take her to the next level, professionally, I think, and personally…” it was given prominent, affirmative placement in the narrative of the episode’s conclusion. As if her strength of moral character, integrity in performing the duties of a doctor, and respect for associates would have no match for a stunning new, sexy look.

Moving, on I also want to describe what I found when catching bits and pieces (as little as I could, but it was a slow day at work) of today’s episode of “Bridesmaids.” Without going into detail – which I couldn’t accurately give anyway – on the premise of the show, beyond what’s inferred by the title, one of the groups of bridesmaids depicted during the episode has as one of its members someone named Baybay, a “bridesman.” Baybay was what appeared to be a transsexual, or at the least, a transvestite who had the voice of a man and, according to a coworker who must’ve caught a piece of the narrative I wasn’t enough on the edge of my seat for, felt more like a man than a woman – thus the term “bridesman.” Couple that spectacle with the image and behavior of the most obviously flamboyantly gay consultant on the show, Brandon, and it was all a man like me, raised from birth in conservative Lutheran ideologies, could do not to roll his eyes so much in front of my associates as to appear self-pious.

What’s going on with all of this?

What are the messages flowing out from current society? How do they stack up with what Christians, who are sinners just as much as anyone else, know is true in God’s Word?

The society of today is completely lost in all areas regarding identity.
Some questions provoked by all of this…
-         Where does my worth come from?
o       Society’s answer: Your wardrobe, your sense of fashion, and your sex appeal.
-         Who am I (re: gender)?
o       Society’s answer: Just because you were born anatomically outfitted with female/male parts doesn’t mean you’re to live as that. You’re whatever you feel you are. If you’ve become a teen or adult and whatever gender you were born and raised hasn’t worked out for you, just decide that you’ll be the opposite. Or heck, maybe you’re both.
-         Who should I be attracted to?
o       Society’s answer: Whomever you want. Whoever pleases you and makes you feel loved (in whatever definition you have for that).

-         Where does my worth come from?
o       God says: You are my child, you are more valuable than any riches on Earth. You are worth so much to me that I sent my son, Jesus, to lay down his life by crucifixion, and rise again to beat death itself, so you could have eternal life with me!
§         “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)
-         Who am I?
o       God says: I am perfect. I am holy. I make no mistakes. If I created you with all the love and artistry that brought me to fashion you in all the intricacies of your anatomy, biology, physiology, and personality, AND gender – then that’s what I meant for you to be! And you have a distinct and beautiful purpose in THAT form!
-         Who should I be attracted to?
o       God says: Consider the symmetry and beauty in the pattern of creation. “Male and female, he created them…” (Genesis 1:27b) Remember how I established the very first union in mankind – a template – in Adam and Eve, and brought them together to model a romantic and family unit. Remember what I’ve said about abandoning my natural order of things!
§         “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders…will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9b-10)

The truth is very simple in all this, really… We, mankind, are very easily confused. Throughout time Satan has introduced all sorts of philosophies and ideas into our minds to lead us astray from the truths of God that bring life and real enlightenment into our lives. The life of someone who feverishly chases after his or her source of identity in anything resembling self or found in self will be a tiresome and empty one. God wants to give life and give it more abundantly. He wants us to have a healthy and appropriate presentation of ourselves to our world, and understand that we each are unique. But we’re unique in how he’s blessed us! We’re unique in that we’re each a brilliantly carved or fashioned tool that can and will be used for good in this world, and ultimately for His glory, when we let him.

Brothers and sisters who share these godly ideals, let’s pray hard for the opportunities to live these truths in front of all the rest of the world. Let’s communicate them passionately to our children, to our friends, to our coworkers, and share with them the beautiful truth that no matter how well or poorly dressed, no matter what they think of the body they were given, no matter how they feel they may best find love…their deepest worth is already there from the Lord!

May we all continue to strive to look no further for our beauty or value than Christ!

            Rolex: $20,000.00
            Manicure: $35.00
            Gucci purse: $990.00
            Hair styling: $47.00
            Allen-Edmonds McAllister men’s shoes: $345.00
            Vera Wang dress: $300

Your robe of righteousness bought at Calvary’s cross with Jesus’ blood: PRICELESS.

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